Break Through the Wall — with Infinity, the Platform for Building Data-Driven Apps

Break Through the Wall — with Infinity, the Platform for Building Data-Driven Apps

There is a popular theory among marathon runners — the last 10k of a marathon is the toughest to run. This is the phase runners call as “hitting the wall” — they exert the most effort, but their legs complain, the body runs out of glycogen, and everything slows down. Just as a runner hits the wall, product teams often hit the wall as they get closer to their launch date or finish line. The pressure is on, there are numerous last-minute changes, users often provide inputs that are incompatible with the solution design, and stakeholders just want to see the results.

Building that killer analytics app is just like running a marathon. Like any marathon, a strong finish is critical to making the podium. At the beginning of an analytics project, there is a lot of structure and effort, but as the launch date approaches there is a rush to finish and they hit the wall. Teams reflexively turn to prioritize the core project outputs (KPIs, reports, etc.) over other aspects of the solution (user interface, self-service enablement, etc.). IT must-haves such as single sign-on, security, etc. get prioritized over features that an end-user might care about. These are perhaps the right trade-offs from a project management perspective, but finishing the race doesn’t guarantee the medal. Launching an app on time is great, but end users need to love their experience otherwise the collective investment in data acquisition, warehousing and aggregation came come to naught. No wonder almost 80% of business users say it is hard to find the right business insights when they need it.

So what makes for a winning app? An intuitive front end; a consumer-centric approach (say a google-like search experience); maybe the ability to capture end-user input to enrich data from the front lines; perhaps the on-screen explanation of charts using NLG; why not a powerful set of self-service capabilities. How about all of the above? And what if you can get all of this done from day one with minimal fuss? That’s the promise behind Infinity — our platform for building data-driven applications. Infinity accelerates the app development process by automating a number of development tasks that would otherwise take months to complete. From search to self-service to security, Infinity comes with a comprehensive suite of features tailor-made to accelerate app development and launch compelling products that are engaging and value-adding to the end-user; to help your teams break the wall and finish strong.